General Terms and Conditions

of the business company Angel Company s.r.o., ID: 26084805, with registered office at Dobrovodská 2054/53a, České Budějovice 5, 370 06 České Budějovice,

for the sale of goods through the online store located at

Information you should not overlook:

    • You can choose the payment method and delivery option during the ordering process.
  • By clicking the Order with obligation to pay button, you enter into a purchase agreement with us for the given goods and are obliged to pay us the purchase price.
  • If we indicate that an item is in stock, we commit to delivering it within the time specified in section 9 of these Terms and Conditions.
  • A consumer customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement without giving reasons within 14 days.
  • More information about complaints and returns can be found in our complaint policy.
  • The protection of our customers' personal data is very important to us. Information about what personal data we process, why and how can be found in our personal data processing policy
  • 1. WHO ARE WE? 

Angel Company s.r.o.,

registered office: Dobrovodská 2054/53a, České Budějovice 5, 370 06 České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as "registered office address")

ID: 26084805

VAT ID: CZ26084805

company registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in České Budějovice under file no. C 13051

(hereinafter referred to as "seller" or "we"),




Where else you can find us: 

  • address for order pickup, postal/delivery address: Angel Company s.r.o., Hraniční 2115, 370 06 České Budějovice, (hereinafter referred to as "delivery address"), (on working days from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) This is not a brick-and-mortar store.


+420 723 000 773 for sales, complaints, technical inquiries (on working days from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM); 

+420 604 702 890 for goods pickup (on working days from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM).

E-mail: or




e-mail address the customer's electronic mail address provided in the user account, in the order, or in any of our forms; 

e-shop our online store that we operate on the website

purchase agreement a commitment containing a range of rights and obligations - ours as the seller and yours as the buyer, which we jointly conclude based on your order of our goods on our website;

Civil Code Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code;

entrepreneur a natural person or legal entity that carries out continuous business activity - in their own name, on their own account, and for the purpose of making a profit; we follow the principle that a customer who provides their ID / VAT ID or company details in the order is legally acting with us as an entrepreneur;

consumer any natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to their business activity or independent pursuit of their profession; 

Terms and Conditions these general terms and conditions, i.e., rules that bind both us and you when concluding a purchase agreement;

website the internet address

customer that's you, the buyer, whether you're a consumer or an entrepreneur.




  1. Seller's authorization and control authorities. The seller is authorized to sell goods based on a trade license. Trade license control is carried out within its competence by the relevant trade licensing office. The Office for Personal Data Protection supervises the area of personal data protection. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, among other things, supervises compliance with Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended, to a specified extent.
  2. Illustrative nature of product photographs. All photographs on the website are for illustrative purposes only.
  3. Goods, price, costs. 
    1. A description of our goods, including their main characteristics, can be found on our website.
    2. Product prices are listed including VAT and all legally required fees. 
    3. We do not charge any additional costs for telecommunication means (e.g., if you call our phone number, you will only pay your regular call rate). 
  4. Payment options. Specific conditions for payment methods and delivery options are described in more detail during the order process itself or on our website. We will deliver the goods to you through a carrier that you choose from the options we offer.
  5. Binding nature of the order. By submitting an order by clicking the "Order with obligation to pay" button in our online store, the customer creates a binding order that obligates the customer to pay. The customer has the opportunity to review, correct, or change their order before submitting it, as described in more detail in section 7 of these Terms and Conditions.
  6. Binding nature of the Terms and Conditions. By submitting an order, you also confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the content of these Terms and Conditions. 
  7. Customer rights from defective performance. Customer rights from defective performance, or from warranty, and the conditions for their application are described in section 12 of these Terms and Conditions, or in our complaint policy.




  1. Right to withdraw from the purchase agreement. The consumer customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement without giving reasons (unless stated otherwise) within 14 days, which starts at the latest:
    1. for a purchase agreement, from the day of receiving the goods; or
    2. for a purchase agreement with delivery in multiple pieces/parts, from the day of receiving the last delivery of goods; or
    3. for a purchase agreement whose subject is regular repeated deliveries of goods, from the day of receiving the first delivery of goods; 

      with the understanding that the consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement even before the time specified in articles 5.1.1 to 5.1.3 by informing us of their intention to withdraw from the purchase agreement, through any unambiguous statement, for example by filling out and sending the form for withdrawal from the purchase agreement or by notifying us at our email:

  2. When it is NOT POSSIBLE to WITHDRAW from the purchase agreement. The consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the following agreements: 
    1. for the delivery of goods that have been modified and/or created at the customer's request or for their person;
    2. for the delivery of goods whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market independent of our will, which may occur during the period for withdrawal from the purchase agreement;
    3. for the delivery of perishable goods, as well as goods that have been irreversibly mixed with other goods after delivery;
    4. for the delivery of goods in a sealed package, which the consumer has removed from the package and it is not suitable to return for health protection or hygienic reasons after the consumer has broken the seal, which also applies to audio or video recordings and computer programs if the customer has broken their original packaging;
    5. for accommodation, transport of goods, vehicle rental, catering or leisure activities, if the contract is to be fulfilled on a specific date or within a specific period;
    6. for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for subscription contracts for their delivery;
    7. for the provision of services, if they have been provided in full; in the case of paid services, only if the performance began with the consumer's prior express consent before the expiry of the withdrawal period and the entrepreneur informed the consumer before concluding the contract that by providing the service, the right to withdraw from the contract expires;
    8. for urgent repair or maintenance to be carried out at a place designated by the consumer at their express request; however, this does not apply to the performance of repairs other than those requested or the delivery of goods other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance;
    9. for the delivery of digital content, if it was not delivered on a tangible medium and was delivered with your prior express consent before the expiry of the withdrawal period from the purchase agreement and we informed you before concluding the purchase agreement that in such a case you do not have the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement.
  3. Consumer's obligation when withdrawing from the purchase agreement. If the consumer withdraws from the purchase agreement, they are obliged to send back the goods acquired under the purchase agreement from which they withdrew, no later than within 14 days from the moment of withdrawal from the purchase agreement. The consumer customer is obliged to send back or return the goods complete, i.e. including all supplied accessories, all documentation, clean, undamaged and if possible including the original packaging, in the condition and value in which they received it. 
  4. Reduction in the value of goods. In case of withdrawal from the purchase agreement, the customer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the returned goods or goods sent back, which occurred as a result of handling the goods in a manner other than what is necessary to become acquainted with the nature, properties and functionality of the goods. In case damaged or incomplete goods are returned to us, we will offset our claim for compensation against the purchase price you request to be refunded. We will always evaluate each specific case to determine the extent of damage, depreciation of goods and determine the corresponding reduced value. We will inform you about these steps via email or phone.
  5. Address for returning goods. Please send the goods back to the delivery address: Angel Company s.r.o., Hraniční 2115, 370 06 České Budějovice. The costs for returning goods when withdrawing from the purchase agreement are borne by the customer at their own expense, unless agreed otherwise. 
  6. Return via Zásilkovna branch. You can also return properly packaged goods at any Zásilkovna branch. They will print the return label for you at the branch after you provide our code. The costs for returning goods when withdrawing from the purchase agreement are borne by the customer.
  7. Refund of the purchase price. In case of withdrawal from the purchase agreement within the withdrawal period, we are obliged to refund all money to the consumer, using the same payment method as when receiving the money, or to an account of your choice, no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the purchase agreement. Please note that we are entitled to refund your money only when we receive the returned goods from you.
  8. Complaints. We handle out-of-court consumer complaints via email at
  9. Out-of-court dispute resolution. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID: 000 20 869, website:, is responsible for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes arising from the purchase agreement. The online dispute resolution platform located at can be used to resolve disputes between the seller and the customer arising from the purchase agreement.
  10. European Consumer Centre Czech Republic. The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, website: is the contact point according to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on consumer ODR).
  11. Reviews. Reviews can be submitted directly on our website or through the Heureka website. Information on how these reviews are processed through Heureka can be found on their website. Reviews can be submitted by customers for whom we have verified that they actually purchased goods from us. Some reviews from customers who filled out an emailed satisfaction questionnaire are posted on the website directly by us. More information can be found on our website. 
  12. False or incomplete reviews. We reserve the right not to publish customer reviews that are false, contain inappropriate expressions or are not related to the purchased goods. 
  13. Product sorting. If you go to the product category sorting section on our website, you should know that we use rules for displaying products according to your preferred selection criteria, which you can learn more about on our website.
  14. Damage caused by incorrect or incomplete information. We disclaim any liability for damage caused by incorrect or incomplete information or advice, especially in cases where achieving a certain result depends on the actions of the addressee or other persons, or on uncontrollable facts or chance. 




  1. Registration. You can shop with us without registration. If you decide to register, you will have a better overview of your order history, status of new orders, etc. Customer registration is done on the website by filling out the registration form. To create a registration, it is necessary to confirm that you have read the content of these Terms and Conditions and the privacy policy.
  2. Obligation to provide true and correct information. When registering on the e-shop website and when ordering goods, the customer is obliged to provide correct and truthful information. The customer is obliged to update the information provided in the user account in case of any changes. The information provided by the customer in the user account and when ordering goods is considered correct by the seller.
  3. User account. Using your email and chosen secure password, you can access your user interface (hereinafter referred to as "user account"), where you can, among other things, place orders for goods.
  4. Blocking the user account. The customer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access their user account. The customer is not entitled to allow third parties to use the user account. We may block the user account after three (3) unsuccessful login attempts. We do this for security reasons to prevent misuse of your user account. If your user account is blocked, please contact us at
  5. Possibility to cancel the user account if not used. We may cancel the user account, especially if the customer has not used their user account for more than 1 year, or if the customer violates their obligations under the purchase agreement in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  6. Necessary maintenance. The customer acknowledges that the user account may not be available continuously, especially due to necessary maintenance.
  7. Loyalty program. Registered customers can take advantage of our loyalty program. You can find out how our loyalty program works and how you can join here:




  1. Creating an order. By adding goods to the cart, choosing the method of delivery and payment for the selected goods, and filling in contact and billing information, the customer creates their order on the e-shop.
  2. Minimum order value. The minimum order value on our e-shop is 299 CZK including VAT.
  3. Product characteristics. The customer is obliged to familiarize themselves with the characteristics, type, and recommended use of the goods before completing the order. By placing an order, the customer confirms that they have read this information and understand it.
  4. Order review. Before completing the order, the customer is allowed to check and change the information they have entered into the order.
  5. Order submission process. The order is submitted by clicking on the "Order with obligation to pay" button and the order process is thereby completed. By submitting the order, the customer confirms that they have agreed to these general terms and conditions and have read our privacy policy.
  6. Accuracy of information provided in the order. The information provided in the order is considered correct by the seller. If it is discovered during order processing that obviously false or incomplete information has been used, we may reject the order, of which you will be notified by email. The customer may be liable for damages caused by intentionally providing false or incorrect information.
  7. Additional order confirmation by the customer. The seller is entitled, depending on the nature of the order (quantity of goods, purchase price, expected shipping costs), to request additional confirmation of the order from the customer (for example, by email or phone) and is also entitled to ask the customer to clarify the correctness of the selection of the quantity of goods.
  8. When is the purchase agreement concluded? The purchase agreement is concluded at the moment of clicking the "Order with obligation to pay" button.
  9. Order confirmation by the seller. The customer who completes the order will receive an automatic confirmation of order receipt to their email address.
  10. Seller's obligations. By concluding the purchase agreement, we undertake to deliver the purchased goods to you and enable you to acquire ownership of the goods.
  11. Buyer's obligations. By concluding the purchase agreement, you undertake to accept the goods and pay us the price of the goods.
  12. Copy of Terms and Conditions and withdrawal form. The customer will receive a copy of the concluded purchase agreement, i.e., the current version of these Terms and Conditions, to their email address. The consumer customer will also receive a form for withdrawal from the purchase agreement within the statutory period.
  13. Distance communication means. The customer agrees to the use of distance communication means when concluding the purchase agreement. Costs incurred by the customer when using distance communication means in connection with the conclusion of the purchase agreement (costs of internet connection, telephone call costs) are borne by the customer themselves, and these costs do not differ from the basic rate.




  1. Price. All product prices are listed in Czech crowns (CZK) and include VAT. The price of the goods is valid for the period during which it is displayed on the e-shop website, but this does not mean that we cannot conclude a purchase agreement with some of our customers under individually agreed conditions.
  2. Payment method. You can pay us the price of the goods and any costs associated with the delivery of the goods according to the purchase agreement using the methods listed in the second step of the order (Shipping and Payment), namely:
    1. online payment card;
    2. bank transfer;
    3. payment card to the carrier (cash on delivery - only for registered customers and with telephone confirmation);
    4. GoPay.

      The customer chooses the payment method during the order process.
      More about payment methods can be found on our website here.

  3. Deposit for the price of goods. We may require a deposit or other similar payment from the customer.
  4. Packaging and shipping costs. On our e-shop website (Shipping and Payment), you will also find information about the costs associated with packaging and delivery of goods. The amount of costs associated with packaging and delivery of goods will depend mainly on the chosen carrier and the place where the goods will be delivered. We will deliver orders with a minimum total price stated on our website free of charge.
  5. Price for delivery of goods. Along with the purchase price, the customer is also obliged to pay us any costs associated with packaging and delivery of goods and any surcharge for the chosen payment method. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the purchase price also includes the costs associated with the delivery of goods. Before the binding completion of the order, the customer will be informed about the final price including packaging and shipping costs.
  6. Discounts on the price of goods. Any discounts on the price of goods provided by us to customers cannot be combined.
  7. Unrealistic price of goods. In case of displaying an unrealistic price of 0 CZK (in words: zero Czech crowns) or displaying a highly non-market price, where a non-market price is considered to be a price that is below our purchase price, we reserve the right to remove this item from the order. The customer will be informed about this fact by email.
  8. Invoice form. We agree that invoices will be sent electronically to the email address.
  9. Gift vouchers. We offer you the opportunity to purchase gift vouchers worth 500 CZK, 1,000 CZK and 1,500 CZK. Each voucher has its unique code and will be sent to your email after payment of the purchase price. It is only possible to use the full amount of the voucher, not to use it in parts. The voucher is valid for 3 months from its purchase. To redeem a gift voucher on the website, you need to fill in the field in the "cart" section where you enter the unique gift voucher code. The value of the gift voucher is deducted from the total price of your purchase in the cart. Please note that the voucher code will be sent to you in electronic form. Take extra care with its further handling. Forgery or alteration of the voucher is not allowed. Its forgery may also be a criminal offense. It is not possible to withdraw from the purchase agreement if the gift voucher has already been used.




  1. Delivery time of goods. If the product is listed as in stock, we usually ship the goods with a delivery time of up to 5 working days from the payment of the order, and we commit to deliver the goods within a maximum of thirty (30) days from the moment of concluding the purchase contract. Sometimes it may happen that goods marked as "in stock" sell out in a short period of time. If a situation arises where the goods are depleted and we are unable to deliver the goods you ordered within the specified time, we will contact you to agree on the next steps. Despite the stated delivery time, we always try to prepare and deliver the order to the customer as soon as possible.
  2. Method of transport, personal collection. The customer has the option to choose the delivery of goods to any address through our contractual carrier for the shipping price, which is stated during the order process. 
  3. Receipt of goods. When transporting goods to a consumer customer, the goods are handed over by us at the moment when the carrier hands over the goods to the customer at the place of delivery (usually the first door/gate/entrance at the delivery location specified by the customer). At the moment of receipt of the goods by the customer, the risk of damage and accidental deterioration of the quality of the purchased goods passes to the customer. In case of personal collection of goods by the customer, the goods are considered delivered at the moment of receipt by the customer or another person designated by the customer.
  4. Costs for special method of transport. In case the method of transport is agreed based on a special request of the customer, the customer bears the risk and any additional costs associated with this method of transport.
  5. Repeated delivery and associated costs. In case it is necessary to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a different way than specified in the order due to reasons on the customer's side, the customer is obliged to pay the costs associated with repeated delivery of goods, or costs associated with a different method of delivery.
  6. Damage that may arise to the seller due to non-acceptance of goods. If a consumer customer does not accept the goods upon delivery by the carrier, the goods are subsequently returned to the seller and at the same time the consumer customer does not withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 days of unsuccessful delivery of goods, the seller is entitled to demand from the customer the costs charged by the carrier for returning the goods to the seller. This cost represents damage to the seller that arose from the breach of the customer's legal obligations in the sense of § 2913 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The seller is also entitled to charge a fee for storage of goods in the amount of 200 CZK (in words: two hundred Czech crowns) and furthermore, the seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract.
  7. Non-acceptance of goods in relation to an entrepreneur. If an entrepreneur customer does not accept the goods upon delivery by the carrier, the goods are subsequently returned to us as the seller, we are entitled to demand from the entrepreneur customer the costs charged by the carrier for returning the goods to our address. This cost represents damage to the seller that arose from the breach of the entrepreneur customer's legal obligations in the sense of § 2913 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The seller is also entitled to charge a fee for storage of goods in the amount of 200 CZK (in words: two hundred Czech crowns) and furthermore, is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract.
  8. Possibility of offsetting claims. We are entitled to unilaterally offset the claim for reimbursement of storage costs and the claim for compensation for damage due to breach of the customer's legal obligations according to this part of the GTC in accordance with § 2913 of the Civil Code against the customer's claim for refund of the purchase price.
  9. Customer's obligation upon receipt of goods. The customer is obliged to check the goods upon receipt and verify its properties (especially whether the customer received the correct type of goods, whether the goods have the agreed quality, whether the goods in its packaging contain everything it should according to the instructions). In case of visible damage to the shipment by the carrier, the customer is obliged not to accept such a shipment from the carrier at all. We are not responsible for damages caused by the carrier, or late delivery of goods, whether the delay was caused for any reason.




  1. Full payment of the purchase price. We reserve the right of ownership of the goods for customers until the full payment of the purchase price according to the relevant purchase contract. This means that if you do not pay the purchase price, you will not become the owner of the given goods.
  2. Reservation towards entrepreneur customers. For entrepreneur customers, we reserve ownership of the goods until all claims we have against them are paid. The customer is obliged to handle the goods with retention of title with due care and insure them at their own expense sufficiently, in case of damage to the value of new goods.




  1. Consumer's right to withdraw from the purchase contract. The right of the consumer customer to withdraw from the purchase contract is governed by the provisions stated in part 5 of these GTC.
  2. Entrepreneur's right to withdraw from the purchase contract. Entrepreneur customers have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract as allowed by the relevant legal regulations. An entrepreneur customer does not have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract without giving a reason within 14 days, this right belongs only to consumers. If an entrepreneur customer returns goods to us and it is not a case of claiming defects according to the Civil Code, we warn them that we may charge them for storage of these goods according to points 9.6 and 9.7 of these GTC and at the same time we will call on the entrepreneur customer to take back these goods.
  3. Unpaid purchase price. If the customer has not paid the purchase price properly and on time, we can withdraw from the purchase contract if the purchase price is not paid within 5 working days from the conclusion of the purchase contract.
  4. Procedure in case of stock depletion. We are entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract due to the depletion of stock of goods, or due to the unavailability of the ordered goods. 
  5. Withdrawal from the contract in case of non-acceptance of the shipment. We can also withdraw from the purchase contract especially in case the customer repeatedly did not accept the goods, to the acceptance of which they were called (sent to the customer's email address), despite the goods being paid for by the customer. In this case, we will send you back the paid purchase price by bank transfer, which we will reduce by the costs of delivery according to point 9.5 of these GTC and costs for storage of these goods according to points 9.6 and 9.7 of these GTC.
  6. Gift. If the customer receives a gift along with the goods and subsequently withdraws from the purchase contract with us, they are obliged to return this gift to us as well. The donation contract between us and the customer is therefore concluded with a so-called resolutive condition that if the customer withdraws from the purchase contract, the donation contract regarding such a gift loses effectiveness.




  1. Reference to the Civil Code. The rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding rights from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (especially § 1914 to 1925, § 2099 to 2117 and § 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code).
  2. Reference to the complaint procedure. Further rights and obligations of the parties related to our responsibility for defects in goods are regulated in our complaint procedure.




  1. Principles of personal data processing. The protection of personal data of our customers is very important to us. The rules for handling personal data and rules for sending commercial communications are regulated in our principles of personal data processing.
  2. Cookies. We use so-called cookies, which may be stored on the end device (either based on consent or to protect our legitimate interests). The customer can set preferences directly on our website, where they will find information about the use of cookies.




  1. Take-back of electrical equipment at our company headquarters. A consumer customer can return used electrical equipment, electrical waste, batteries or accumulators from households when purchasing goods from us. Please note that the condition for take-back is maintaining the same number of pieces of purchased and returned electrical equipment, which must be of a similar type and use (in other words, piece for piece).
  2. Take-back at your home. If you have the ordered goods sent home, we also have an obligation to ensure that the consumer customer can hand over used electrical equipment, electrical waste, batteries or accumulators from households to the carrier. Here too, the condition for such take-back is maintaining the same number of pieces of purchased and returned electrical equipment, which must be of a similar type and use (in other words, piece for piece). In order for us to realize this take-back, please inform us in the order - in the note to the order, what electrical equipment and in what number, eventually size you would like to return.
  3. Where else is it possible to hand over old electrical equipment? We inform customers that the ecological disposal of our products according to the Waste Act No. 185/2001 Coll. and Decree of the Ministry of Environment No. 237/2002 Coll. is ensured by the "Agreement on Ensuring Joint Fulfillment" within the collective system ASEKOL a.s. with registered office: Československého exilu 2062 / 8, 143 00 Prague 4 - Modřany. The list of collection points and their operating hours including telephone numbers is available on the website
  4. Why is it necessary to handle electrical equipment in a special way? Electrical equipment must not be thrown away with mixed waste. By doing so, you could be in violation of the Waste Act and/or related regulations. Harmful substances from these electrical equipment and waste can also damage the environment or human health. Take-back and recycling also lead to the fact that electrical equipment and waste can be further used for the production of new equipment.




  1. What is force majeure. For the purposes of these GTC, force majeure is considered to be any event independent of the seller's will, which prevents the fulfillment of its obligations and which could not have been foreseen or its consequences averted or overcome. Force majeure is considered to be especially natural disaster, fire, explosion, floods, earthquake, terrorist attack, war, strike or other events (including situations caused as a result of the spread of COVID-19 disease) that are beyond the control of the contracting parties.
  2. Exclusion of seller's liability. For the duration of force majeure, the seller is not responsible for non-fulfillment of its obligations from the purchase contract, or these GTC.



  1. Resin and necessary tools.  For working with resin, it is necessary to protect your respiratory tract and take care of your health. Here you will learn about the necessary procedure for working with resin. 




  1. What law governs our legal relationship? The legal relationship between us will be governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic, especially the Civil Code. This also applies in case of the existence of a so-called international element. However, we are aware that a consumer customer cannot be deprived of the protection provided by the provisions of the legal order of the country where they have their habitual residence by this choice.
  2. Commitment to respect consumer rights. In case of unintentional conflict between the provisions of these GTC and legal regulations on consumer protection, these provisions take precedence and the seller undertakes to comply with them as such.
  3. Invalid or ineffective provision of GTC. If any provision of the GTC is invalid or ineffective, or becomes so, instead of the invalid provisions, provisions whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision will take effect. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision does not affect the validity of other provisions.
  4. Exclusion of the Vienna Convention. The contracting parties agree that they expressly exclude the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (also known as the Vienna Convention), in accordance with Article 6 of this convention.
  5. Disputes and jurisdiction. The contracting parties further agree that for resolving any disputes arising from the purchase contract where an international element is present, the courts of the Czech Republic for the district of České Budějovice will always have local and material jurisdiction. This does not affect the rights of consumers under special legal regulations. The contractual language is Czech.
  6. Archiving of the purchase contract. The purchase contract in the wording of the GTC is archived by us in electronic form and is not accessible to third parties.
  7. Form for withdrawal from the purchase contract. An integral part of these GTC is the form for withdrawal from the purchase contract.
  8. If we agree on different conditions for concluding the purchase contract. The provisions of the GTC are an integral part of the purchase contract. Provisions deviating from the GTC can be agreed in the purchase contract. Deviating arrangements in the purchase contract take precedence over the provisions of the GTC.
  9. Necessity of accepting GTC for concluding the purchase contract. Acceptance of these GTC is voluntary, but it is necessary for creating a user account or order by the customer. 
  10. Validity of GTC. These GTC are valid from 01.06.2023 and cancel the validity of previous business terms.