Legal conditions of the 2+1 free event


Article 1

1. The company Angel Company s.r.o., ID: 26084805, based at: Dobrovodská 2054/53A, 37005 České Budějovice (hereinafter "Resin Studio"), is organizing a sales promotion called "2 + 1 Free" (hereinafter "Promotion").

2. The purpose of this document is to fully regulate the rules (hereinafter "Rules") of the Promotion. These Rules are the only document that bindingly regulates the rules of the Promotion. These Rules can only be amended in the form of written addenda published in the same manner as this document.

Article 2

1. The Promotion will take place from 21.10.2024 until the goods related to the Promotion are sold out on the e-shop with the offer related to the Promotion valid only during the specified period.

Article 3

1. Participants in the Promotion may be natural or legal persons who are end customers and who meet the other conditions set out in these Rules (hereinafter "Customer"). The Promotion is not intended for persons who purchase the goods included in the Promotion for the purpose of further resale.

2. Only those Customers who meet all the specified conditions of the Promotion will be included in the Promotion. Resin Studio reserves the right to assess compliance with the specified conditions by individual Customers at any time at its discretion and to exclude Customers who do not meet the conditions set out in these Rules from the Promotion at its discretion.

Article 4

1. The Customer participates in the Promotion by purchasing 2 (two) sets for resin crafting marked with the symbol "2+1" or the words "2+1 Free Promotion" (hereinafter "Purchase") during the time and place of the Promotion as per Article 2 of the Rules, and with these sets, they receive a mosaic crafting set for free. The customer must select this set themselves and add it to the cart before completing and paying for the Purchase.

2. The Customer will always receive only one mosaic crafting set for free in the Purchase regardless of whether they purchase more than 2 (two) resin crafting sets in one Purchase.

3. Each Customer may participate in the Promotion repeatedly, provided that they meet all the participation conditions according to these Rules each time.

4. Resin Studio has the exclusive right to assess the fulfillment of the specified conditions of the Promotion by individual Customers. Resin Studio is authorized to exclude the Customer definitively if it suspects that the Customer has engaged in fraudulent conduct or other conduct that is against good morals. This decision to exclude the Customer is final, without the possibility of appeal.

Article 5

1. These Rules will be available on the website throughout the duration of the Promotion.

2. Resin Studio can also be contacted in connection with the Promotion via the email address or phone number provided on the website

3. Participation in the Promotion is voluntary. By participating in the Promotion, the Customer expresses their agreement with these Rules and undertakes to fully comply with them. The rights and obligations arising in connection with the Promotion, which are not governed by these Rules, are governed by the legal regulations of the Czech Republic.

4. Resin Studio reserves the right to change the conditions of the Promotion or its duration without giving reasons and without compensation, without any claims by Customers against Resin Studio. Any such change to the Rules or the Promotion will be announced in the same manner as these Rules. Changes will only be made by Resin Studio for extraordinary reasons, especially in response to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company, including technical or legal reasons, provided that Resin Studio will always strive to minimize the impact on Customers.

5. In the exercise of rights from defective performance (complaints) on goods under this Promotion, the current legal regulation, contained in particular in Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended, and the valid complaints procedure of Resin Studio will be followed.

6. Upon withdrawal from the contract by the Customer, the purchase price will be refunded to the Customer, and the withdrawal from the purchase contract by the Customer always applies to the entire set of all products purchased within the Purchase.

7. Discounts and other benefits under this Promotion cannot be combined with any other discounts or sales promotions.

8. The authority authorized for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising in connection with the participation of the Customer, who is a natural person – a consumer, in this Promotion is the Czech Trade Inspection, on whose website ( the Customer can find among other things information on the methods and conditions of out-of-court settlement of disputes, as this procedure can only be initiated on the proposal of the Customer and only after they fail to resolve the dispute directly with Resin Studio. The proposal form for initiating proceedings for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is available on the Czech Trade Inspection's website.

9. The contracting parties further agree that for the resolution of any disputes from the purchase contract, where an international element is present, the courts of the Czech Republic for the České Budějovice district will always have local and subject-matter jurisdiction. This does not affect the rights of consumers under special legal regulations. The contractual language is Czech.

10\. These rules of the purchase promotion are valid from 17.10.2024.

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