Complaints Procedure

of the business company Angel Company s.r.o. for the online store located at

The Complaint Procedure is ONLY FOR CONSUMER CUSTOMERS and forms an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC").

The document Contract Withdrawal Form can be downloaded here.


If you have any questions, you can contact us:

By phone: +420 723 000 773 (on working days from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM)

By email:

Where to deliver goods for a complaint?

You can deliver the goods to us at: Hraniční 2115, 370 06 České Budějovice (hereinafter referred to as the "delivery address"). This is usually the fastest way to process a return or complaint. Based on prior agreement, we will send you a return label or arrange collection at your chosen address.

You can also deliver the goods to us via Zásilkovna, stating the address: you can use any Zásilkovna branch by stating our code 91120286 (if possible considering the size of the package).


      1. What properties should our goods have at the time of receipt? We are responsible for ensuring that the goods have no defects upon receipt. In particular, we are responsible for ensuring that at the time you receive the goods:
        1. the goods have the properties we agreed upon, which we or the manufacturer described (including in advertising) or which you expected given the nature of the goods,
        2. the goods are suitable for the purpose we state for their use or for which goods of this type are normally used,
        3. the goods correspond in quality or design to the agreement between the parties and/or the sample or model (if we based the order on them),
        4. the goods are in the appropriate quantity, measure or weight,
        5. the goods comply with the requirements of legal regulations.
      2. Presumption that the goods are defective. If a defect appears within 12 months of receiving the goods, it is assumed that the goods were defective at the time of receipt, unless we prove otherwise.
      1. What defects are we not responsible for? We are not responsible for defects in these cases:
        1. a defect that the goods had at the time of receipt and for which a discount on the purchase price was agreed,
        2. a defect caused by wear and tear resulting from normal use, or if it follows from the nature of the goods,
        3. a defect caused by you and resulting from improper storage, improper maintenance, your intervention or mechanical damage, all in conditions that do not correspond in temperature, dust, humidity, other environmental influences and is thus directly specified by us or the manufacturer (usually on the package insert / label of the goods) or follows from legal regulations,
        4. a defect in goods that have been modified by the customer and the defect arose as a result of this modification,
        5. use of goods in unsuitable conditions that do not correspond in temperature, dust, humidity, chemical and mechanical environmental influences, which are directly specified by the seller or manufacturer, or follow from legal regulations,
        6. a defect arising as a result of an external event beyond our control (e.g. natural disaster).
      1. Check the contents of our package. When receiving the goods, check them and make sure of their properties (especially whether you have received the correct type of goods, whether the goods have the agreed quality, whether the goods in their packaging contain everything they should).
      2. When you will not be able to claim the goods. You are not entitled to rights from defective performance if it is a defect that:
        1. you must have noticed with ordinary attention already at the conclusion of the purchase contract, or
        2. if you knew before receiving the goods that the goods had a defect, or
        3. if you caused the defect yourself.
      1. Checking the packaging before receiving goods from the carrier. When receiving the shipment from the courier, check the integrity of the packaging. By accepting the shipment, you confirm that you have received the shipment without apparent defects. If the packaging is damaged, inform the carrier directly and write a damage report. The courier will keep the shipment. This is the easiest way to handle a complaint about a damaged shipment, the shipment will be promptly returned to us by the carrier and a new shipment will be sent to you.
      2. You find out that the goods were damaged only after unpacking the package. How to proceed? Inform us immediately after receipt and discovery of the defect, no later than 3 days after receiving the shipment. Ideally through the complaint form. Include your personal identification details, the email from which you ordered the goods, and identify the goods you are including in the complaint. Ideally, please also attach a copy of the purchase document (e.g. invoice), photo documentation of the defect, and a description of the problem you discovered with the goods. All this information can contribute to faster processing of your complaint.
      3. When will we no longer be able to claim transport? Please note that if you report the complaint on the fourth (4th) and subsequent day after receiving the shipment, such a complaint will most likely not be accepted by the carrier. As a result of your late complaint about a damaged shipment, we may incur damage (the damaged shipment will not be paid for by the carrier due to your late complaint), we are entitled to claim such damage from you. Keep the shipment and take photos of it (so that the damaged goods, packaging, and filling are clearly visible).
      4. What will be the procedure once you notify us of everything? After filing a complaint about a damaged shipment, you will receive confirmation to your email. However, you can contact us at any time by phone or email to verify the status of your complaint.
      1. How to proceed and what will we need to know from you? If you have received incorrectly sent goods, incorrect quantity or different color version, or completely different goods that you did not order, etc., contact us preferably by email:, in writing or through the complaint form. Include your personal identification details, the email from which you ordered the goods, and identify the goods you received incorrectly. Ideally, please also attach a copy of the purchase document (e.g. invoice), photo documentation of the defect, and describe the error in your own words and state everything that was included in the package upon delivery. We try to prevent such errors, we carefully check the sent goods, but even we are not completely infallible. We apologize in advance for any discrepancies in the order and we will do everything to make the complaint process as comfortable as possible for you and as quick as possible on our part.
      2. What will follow? After completing and submitting a complaint about an incorrectly delivered shipment, you will receive confirmation to your email. We will check everything as quickly as possible and contact you to arrange the next steps. You can contact us at any time to verify that your request is being processed.
      1. I discover a product defect within 14 days of receipt. If you discover a defect in the delivered goods within 14 days of receipt, please contact us preferably by email:, in writing, or through the complaint form.
      2. A complaint is not the same as the right of withdrawal. Within 14 days of receiving the goods, we guarantee your right to withdraw from the purchase contract or exchange the goods for others. However, in such cases, the goods must be returned undamaged, or in sealed or hygienic packaging. Otherwise, you are responsible for the reduction in the value of the goods and/or risk not being eligible for the right of withdrawal. If you have already unpacked the goods and discovered a defect during one of the first uses, we recommend filing a complaint as the most appropriate course of action.
      3. What will happen next? After filing a complaint, you will receive a confirmation to your email. Subsequently, our customer service staff will contact you to agree on the next steps. We usually manage this within 3 working days. You can contact us at any time at +420 723 000 773, or by email at to verify that your complaint is being processed.
      1. When to file a complaint for defective goods. You are obliged to report defects in goods (file a complaint) without undue delay after the defect appears. Otherwise, a court would not grant you the right to claim for defective performance.
      2. You are entitled to report a defect that occurs in consumer goods within 24 months of receiving the goods. This does not apply to goods where the packaging, label, instructions accompanying the goods, or advertising in accordance with other legal regulations state the period for which the goods can be used. In this case, the provisions on quality guarantee (contractual guarantee) apply.
      3. What happens after 24 months? After the expiration of this period (24 months), defects in goods cannot be reported. If possible for the given goods, this period is extended by the time during which you could not use the goods because they were in the process of a legitimate complaint. Although we always try to resolve complaints to your satisfaction, some products need to be handled according to the instructions on the packaging/label/in the package leaflet - otherwise, they will be damaged. Even if the 24-month period has not yet expired in these cases, we cannot accept your complaint (point 2.1.3 or point 2.1.5 of this complaint procedure).
      4. Contractual guarantee. If a voluntary contractual guarantee longer than 24 months from receipt of goods was guaranteed for the given goods, you will be able to report defects in the goods during this period. The period is extended by the time during which you could not use the goods because they were in the process of a legitimate complaint.
      5. What should I do to report a defect in goods? To report defects in goods, fill out and send the complaint form or write to us by email at or in writing, stating in particular:
        1. your name and surname;
        2. the email from which you ordered the goods;
        3. phone number;
        4. identification of the goods included in the complaint;
        5. description of the defect in your own words;
        6. chosen method of complaint resolution, the customer is not entitled to change the chosen method of complaint resolution without our prior consent;
        7. your address for possible return of goods after the completion of the complaint process.
      6. We will confirm receipt of the complaint. After reporting a defect in the goods, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of the complaint to your email. The moment of filing a complaint is considered to be the moment when we receive information from you about the filing of a complaint about the goods.
      7. Where can I file a complaint? You can file a complaint in person or by sending it to the delivery address mentioned above, also at the address Zá, code 91120286, by electronic mail to the email contact address, or send us a completed complaint form.
      8. Delivery of the complained goods back to the seller. The goods must be returned complete, undamaged (except for the complained defect), ideally in the original undamaged packaging, so that we can adhere to the principles of proper hygienic procedure.
      9. Who bears the costs of transporting the complained goods? If you request the removal of a defect (repair or delivery of new goods or its part), we bear the costs of transporting the complained goods back to us. After prior agreement with you, we will arrange the transport of the complained goods to us, either by sending a return label or arranging a carrier contracted by us. Please note that complained goods sent cash on delivery and/or in any other way at our expense will not be accepted by us and will be returned to you at your expense.
      10. Confirmation. After receiving the complained goods, you will be sent a confirmation of receipt of the shipment with the complained goods and its contents to the email address you specified.
      1. When will the complaint process be closed? The Civil Code gives us a period of 30 days from the reporting of the defect to resolve the complaint. The complaint process is usually closed from our side by this deadline at the latest.
      2. Assessment of the defect. Usually, however, within 3 working days after the delivery of the necessary documentation (photographs and other necessary data for assessing the defect of the goods) or the delivery of the complained goods back to us, an immediate assessment of the defect is carried out and we will contact the customer with a preliminary opinion. This period does not include the time needed for expert assessment of the defect (for example, if we need to request assistance from our supplier or manufacturer).
      3. If the goods are defective. In case the complained goods are found to be defective, the complaint process is closed no later than 30 days from the reporting of the defect. In justified cases, the authorized employee may agree with the customer on a longer period. We are obliged to request additional documents from you in the shortest possible time.
      4. If the goods are not found to be defective. In case the goods are not found to be defective, you will be informed about the rejection of the complaint. We will agree on the next steps.
    1. What will affect my options. You will have the right to request removal of the defect. According to your choice, you can select:
      1. repair of the item;
      2. delivery of a new item; or
      3. delivery of the missing part.

It should not be an unreasonable request on your part. If the repair of the item presents significant difficulties for us or it is not a reasonable request considering the value of the item and the significance of the defect, we will inform you. We will proceed in the same way if we evaluate your request for delivery of a new item as disproportionate to the defect of the goods or the value of the goods.

  1. If it will be a substantial breach of the purchase contract. If the defect represents a substantial breach of the purchase contract, you will have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract or request a reasonable discount on the purchase price of the goods.
  2. When will it be possible to request a refund of the purchase price? In some situations, it will be possible to withdraw from the purchase contract and request a refund of the purchase price. This will not be possible in a situation where the defect of the goods is not significant. What will be the situations where you can withdraw from the purchase contract and request a refund of the purchase price:
    1. we refuse to remove the defect of the goods or we have not repaired this defect within a reasonable time;
    2. from our statement or from other circumstances it will be evident that the defect will not be removed within a reasonable time or without significant difficulties for the buyer;
    3. the defect of the goods occurs repeatedly; or
    4. it is a substantial breach of the purchase contract.
  3. When else will it be possible to request a reasonable discount on the purchase price of the goods? In some situations, you will be able to request a reasonable discount on the purchase price. This will not be possible in a situation where the defect of the goods is not significant. What will be the situations where you can request a reasonable discount on the purchase price?
    1. we refuse to remove the defect of the goods or we have not repaired this defect within a reasonable time;
    2. from our statement or from other circumstances it will be evident that the defect will not be removed within a reasonable time or without significant difficulties for the buyer;
    3. the defect of the goods occurs repeatedly; or
    4. it is a substantial breach of the purchase contract.
  4. You will inform us of the method of complaint resolution. If not, we will ask you. You have an obligation to inform us which right from defective performance you have chosen, either when notifying the defect or without undue delay after notifying the defect. You cannot change your choice without our consent; this does not apply if you request repair of a defect that turns out to be irreparable.
  5. Return of the original goods. When resolving a complaint by delivering new goods, you are obliged to return the originally delivered goods to us (unless we agree otherwise).
    1. If you filed a complaint about the goods in person with us. After resolving the filed complaint, you will be notified of the completion of the complaint and will be asked to collect the complained goods without undue delay, no later than 30 days from the day you were informed about its resolution. If you wish to have the goods sent to you at home after the complaint, we will arrange it at our expense. Alternatively, we will justify the rejection of the complaint.
    2. If you sent us the goods for complaint. If the complained goods were sent to us for complaint by a carrier, after its resolution, it will be automatically sent to your address that you provided us. Alternatively, we will justify the rejection of the complaint.
    3. If we are refunding the purchase price. In case the complaint is recognized as justified and you legitimately request withdrawal from the purchase contract, or refund of the purchase price as a method of resolving the complaint, we will send you the paid purchase price back to the bank account you provide us, without undue delay.
    4. Collection of the complained goods. You have an obligation to collect the complained goods no later than 30 days from the day you were notified about the resolution of the complaint. After this period, we are entitled to charge a fee for storage of goods in accordance with § 2120 paragraph 1 in connection with § 2159 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code. The daily storage fee is charged at 10 CZK.
    5. Sale of uncollected goods. If you do not collect the goods from the resolved complaint within 6 months from the day you were informed about the resolution, we reserve the right to sell the goods and use the proceeds to cover the storage costs.
    6. Obligation when collecting the complained goods. You also have an obligation to check the completeness of the complained goods when collecting them, especially that the shipment with the goods contains everything it should. Later objections will not be considered.
    1. Rights arising from the law. The customer's rights arising from the law are not affected by this complaint procedure.
    2. Validity. This complaint procedure (intended only for consumers) is valid from 01.06.2023 and cancels the validity of previous complaint procedures.
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