
In our sale you can find products of impeccable quality at great prices. Don't forget to also check out the second quality products, which always have a label explaining why we've included them in this category. In this category, you will always find only the sale pieces that we would like to find in the sales ourselves. Because to save money and still make yourself happy is just wonderful.


Střapce na klíčenky
0,30 € –33 %
Keychain tassels
In Stock
Was: 0,30 €  (–33 %)
0,20 €
Dárková startovací sada „Paris“ na výrobu šperků z pryskyřice
52,10 € –15 %
Was: 52,10 €  (–15 %)
44 €
teploměr dig 2
3,30 € –42 %
Was: 3,30 €  (–42 %)
1,90 €
Silikonová forma na epoxidovou pryskyřici - přívěsky a náušnice
4,80 € –54 %
Was: 4,80 €  (–54 %)
2,20 €
stažený soubor (4)
from 0,70 € up to –28 %
Paper gift bag
In Stock
Was: 0,70 €  (–28 %)
from 0,50 €
23 items total
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