Silicone mold for epoxy resin - cabochons

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3,40 € 2,80 € excl. VAT
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Silicone mould for making cabochons of different diameters from epoxy resin. Use this mould to create cabochons with a diameter of 10 - 29 mm.

Mould size: 9 x 9 cm, height 1 cm.

Finish the jewellery with the help of our jewellery components. Need a hole drilled? Use handheld or electric drill.

For this form you need about 10 grams of resin. The final quantity depends on the filling rate of the mould and the amount of fillers and decorations used. You can find out what resin you need for this mould here.

Always clean the mould before first use, moulds may be slightly dusty due to storage and transport. The forms are reusable.

The mould has a perfectly smooth and shiny surface. You simply pour the epoxy resin into it and you get an amazing handmade product!

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VIDEO: Making jewellery from resin

VIDEO: How to attach jewellery components


  • Place the mould on a completely flat surface (use a spirit level if possible) to ensure the casting is even. For more convenient work, you can pour the resin in two layers (with a coating).
  • Remember that the most important thing is what resin you are working with. Use only proven resins that are designed for painting and decoration (medium viscosity or thick). Do not use table resins or resins that take a long time to dry (not very reactive). Such resins damage and eat the gloss out of the moulds.
  • The edges of the finished product can be painted with metallic paint, giving it a unique and premium look.

Examples of practical applications:

IMG_4158 P1170278 P1170285

To enjoy the moulds for as long as possible, follow a few simple rules:

  • When pouring a poorly mixed mixture, hardener residues can deform the mould and the casting can stick to the mould, so it is important to mix the resin thoroughly!
  • Use extreme care with the torch and heat gun. Do not hold them in one place for long, the resin could overheat at one point and then melt into the mold.
  • It is not recommended to wash the moulds, water can leave marks and streaks. If the uncured resin comes into contact with water - the resin will lose its gloss. We recommend removing dirt only with adhesive tape. Do not rub the mould with alcohol, thinners or other aggressive substances.
  • It is not recommended to stack the moulds. Be careful that nothing touches the shiny part of the mould. Store the moulds ideally in dust-tight boxes, at room temperature and out of direct sunlight!
  • Moulds and work in progress must not be wet, otherwise cloudy streaks and other defects may appear on the surface of the product after curing

The moulds do not have an expiry date but should be considered consumables. No matter how good the silicone is, the resin etches the surface of the mold and it will "burn" over time. The surface of the mould becomes matt and the products from such moulds are also matt. They are no longer shiny in the way that is typical of resin. Unfortunately, the gloss of the moulds cannot be restored, but do not throw away such moulds. They might still come in handy if you need a matte cast.

Resin burn is a natural damage to the mould, but the mould will often wear out due to mechanical impact. Therefore, when arranging decorations in the mould, be careful when using tweezers and toothpicks. We strongly advise against stretching or squeezing closed moulds. If you stretch the silicone too much, it will not tear, but damage will appear. Unfortunately, the mould will not return to its original state and the deformation will be visible on the resin casting.

When used correctly, the mould retains its original properties even after repeated use. However, our personal experience and feedback from customers shows that we cannot expect to use the mould in its original qualities more than 8-10 times. Depending on the correct use of the mould and the appropriate resin, you will get a glossy casting in about eight castings; in subsequent castings, the mould will gradually lose its gloss and the products will not have a glossy surface. However, the glossy surface of a matt casting is easily achieved by applying a top coat of resin.

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