Essential tools for working with epoxy resin

To make casting epoxy resin easy and problem-free, make sure to prepare all the tools you will need before you start casting. And which ones are they?

1. Scale

A digital scale is an essential tool when working with resin. Both components of the resin should always be weighed to the gram, and a scale will help with that. If we are not precise in weighing, the resin will not cure properly and may remain either liquid, rubbery, or sticky on the surface. Don’t forget to regularly change the batteries in the scale to avoid it shutting off in the middle of weighing, as it is nearly impossible to be accurate by eye. 

2. Gloves and respiratory protection

Remember that epoxy resin is toxic before mixing, after mixing, and throughout the curing process, so you need to protect your health. Use disposable gloves, protect your respiratory system with a suitable respirator or mask for fumes, and ventilate the area. It won't hurt to wear a disposable apron or protective clothing.

Do not work with resin in areas without adequate ventilation or where people are sleeping. Children and pregnant women should not work with resin. Please take care of your health and prevent contact of epoxy resin with eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.

3. Protection of the work surface and its surroundings

There are very few surfaces that resin won’t permanently adhere to. On the contrary, it will stick perfectly to the vast majority of surfaces, and removing it after curing is not easy, and often impossible. Therefore, protect your workbench and floor from unwanted spills or drips of mixed resin. Proven protection includes various silicone mats, plastic sheeting, or baking paper. Regular or newspaper will quickly soak through and won’t provide the desired surface protection.

4. Cups

For working with resin, we usually use disposable plastic or paper cups. Due to regulations on single-use plastics, it is becoming almost impossible to find plastic cups, so paper cups are an alternative. However, the disposability of the cups does not limit you too much. Let the resin cure in the cup and reuse the cup.

Want to clean cups from resin? Hardened resin can be easily peeled off from sturdier plastic, and softer cups with cured resin can be reused in cases where it doesn’t matter if small particles of the previously cured resin mix into the newly mixed resin. Do not rinse the cups with water.

An alternative to disposable mixing cups are silicone containers, which can be used for dozens and dozens of castings.

5. Spatulas

The most popular option for mixing resin is medical spatulas. They are easy to hold, can effectively scrape the walls and bottom of the mixing cup, and can also be reused. After use, simply wipe the spatula with a paper towel, let the resin that soaked into it cure, and reuse it. However, we recommend reusing it for resin colored with the same pigment to avoid dissolving the previously used pigment into the new color.

A great alternative to wooden spatulas are silicone spatulas and scrapers, which can be used practically indefinitely. After use, simply wipe them and let them cure, or leave the resin on them and peel it off after curing. You can find many options for these handy tools on our e-shop.

6. Toothpicks

Toothpicks are small but mighty helpers. They can be used to pick out dust particles that have fallen into the resin and to place decorations and flowers in the resin precisely. They can also help in dosing pigment into the resin to avoid adding more than necessary.

7. Torch lighter or alcohol spray

Torch lighters are handy tools for removing bubbles from the surface of the resin. Never hold the flame in one spot for too long, or you might damage the product!
To remove bubbles, you can also use alcohol spray. After using it, bubbles will immediately pop, and you will also eliminate the possibility of burning the resin to the mold, which can happen with a lighter.

8. Mold for excess resin

Lastly, have an additional mold ready for excess resin. Epoxy resin starts curing immediately after mixing, and quickly finding a mold to pour the mixed excess into can often be stressful. Have a mold, or even multiple molds, ready to pour such excess into immediately. Ideal are silicone molds shaped like pyramids, where you can create layers, or molds for smaller jewelry.

All the tools are available on our e-shop in the tools and accessories category, so you don’t have to buy them from various places; you have everything in one place!

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design