How to care for jewelry and other resin products

Have you made a resin jewelry piece and want to keep its beauty and shine for as long as possible? Then you should follow a few basic rules. These maintenance tips apply not only to jewelry but to all resin products. We primarily mention them for resin jewelry because these items are often worn and exposed to environmental factors. And now, to the recommendations themselves.

Clean Jewelry Regularly

Resin jewelry should be cleaned regularly to remove dirt and grease that may accumulate. Clean it with a soft microfiber cloth or a cotton swab dipped in lukewarm soapy water. Then gently and thoroughly rinse the jewelry with water. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that could damage the surface.

Avoid Contact with Chemicals

Resin jewelry should be protected from direct contact with chemicals such as perfumes, deodorants, hair sprays, cleaning agents, or harsh cleaners. These substances can damage the jewelry, cause color changes, or lead to loss of shine. Therefore, remove your jewelry before applying these products and wait until the substances have completely absorbed into your skin.

Store Properly

When not wearing resin jewelry, it is important to store it properly. Keep it separate from other jewelry to avoid scratches. You can store it in soft fabric pouches or jewelry boxes that protect it from dust and moisture.

Protect from Direct Sunlight

Jewelry and other resin products are sensitive to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. If possible, avoid wearing resin jewelry in direct sunlight or in tanning beds to prevent color changes and material distortions. The same rule applies to resin artworks; never hang them where they will be exposed to direct sunlight.

Be Aware of Temperature Effects

Resin products are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Avoid exposure to high temperatures such as hot showers, saunas, or direct heat from other heat sources. Similarly, avoid very low temperatures that could damage the jewelry.

Repairs and Adjustments

If your resin jewelry has a matte or scratched surface and needs repair, there are several options to restore its shine. One option is to apply a layer of acrylic lacquer TOP FINISH to the cleaned and degreased surface. This is the quickest repair, taking you no more than a few minutes. If the surface is too damaged, consider sanding and polishing it. You can find out how to do this in our article on sanding and polishing resin.

By following these simple tips, you should be able to keep your resin jewelry in good condition and extend its lifespan.


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