How to clean or remove epoxy resin?

Although the positive attributes of using epoxy resin far outweigh its drawbacks, there are still certain negatives associated with this material. One of them is the fact that cured crystal resin that drips during the creation process is not always easy to remove later.
Whether you're making small resin jewelry or an epoxy table, unwanted drips of epoxy resin are likely to happen. In this article, we will address ways to remove epoxy resin.

What products to use on uncured resin?

To remove resin that has not yet cured, you can use various special products and cleaners such as technical alcohol, alcohol spray, or acetone.

If resin drips on a smooth surface like a table, you can easily wipe it off with a damp baby wipe.

Removing epoxy resin from plastics or glass

Epoxy is often used, among other things, to repair broken plastic products or to seal cracked window panes, and it is then necessary to gently remove the residue. Here, a paper towel soaked in alcohol-based solvent (isopropyl alcohol) can help, as it is an effective solvent for oils, rubber, and also for resins. Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with strong cleaning and degreasing properties that does not damage materials and evaporates quickly. After removing the epoxy resin from the surface, wipe away the solvent residue with a clean, damp cloth.

Removing epoxy resin from wood or concrete

When removing epoxy resin from wooden surfaces, avoid using alcohol or thinners that could damage or change the color of the wood. In this case, it is recommended to use acetone, which can remove epoxy from wood or concrete as it soaks into the porous surface, loosening it and making it easier to remove.

Removing epoxy resin from metals and hard surfaces

For metals that are sufficiently durable and can handle chemicals, use an aerosol spray or liquid solvent applied to the area with a cloth. Since these are chemicals, it is necessary to protect the skin with protective gloves.
The aerosol cooling agent will freeze the solid epoxy, making it brittle and then easily removable with a scraper.

Removing epoxy resin from fabrics

When working with epoxy, it's easy to get it on clothing. There is also a way to remove epoxy resin from fabric without destroying the material. Using acetone or thinners is not suitable here, as it could cause discoloration or dissolution of the fabric; and abrasive methods like peeling or scraping would damage the fabric.

The easiest way to loosen and peel epoxy from fabric is by heating the epoxy. Soak the fabric for a few seconds in a pot of boiling water and then carefully pull it out with tongs, then gently peel off the epoxy.

Removing epoxy from skin

Handling epoxy can also result in it getting on the skin. Always protect your skin with work gloves as a preventive measure. If skin contact occurs, remove the epoxy before it cures. Gently rub the affected area with a paper towel or cloth soaked in vinegar until the epoxy is removed.

If this method is not sufficiently effective, you can use acetone or nail polish remover, but do so very cautiously as these are flammable substances that should be used in a well-ventilated area and can harm the skin. Afterward, wash the skin thoroughly and treat it with cream to prevent dryness or allergic reactions.

Removing epoxy coatings

If dealing with epoxy coatings, it should be noted that they can resist a number of solvents and caustics, making their removal more complex and time-consuming. This is where different special thinners come into play, which need to be used according to the manufacturer's instructions and with safety precautions; protect yourself and your surroundings from potential toxic fumes.


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