How to dry flowers and other decorations into resin

If you are planning to encase plants, wood, or other natural materials in resin, remember one of the main rules - water or moisture does not belong in the resin. Wet or damp items will react with the resin, causing it to cure faster and potentially leading to an exothermic reaction or an unsightly white film similar to mold around improperly dried natural materials.

How long should flowers be dried before embedding in resin?

Dry flowers and plants for at least two to three weeks, and whole flowers even longer. You can dry them in books or in silica gel, which absorbs moisture. Some plants may lose their color after drying and embedding in resin, so it's necessary to test how each plant behaves.

How dry should the wood be?

If embedding wood, the same rules apply as for flowers. The wood moisture must be very low, around 5% or less. Otherwise, the wood will continue to dry over time and may separate from the resin, or the tension caused by drying may lead to the product breaking.

We recommend drying wood in professional drying chambers; drying it at home takes years, even under ideal conditions. However, there is a shortcut: you can find wood in specialty stores that guarantee its moisture content.

Where to buy dried flowers?

Dried flowers for resin can be purchased from us at Resin Studio, and you will definitely find something you like from our wide selection.

Can I embed stabilized flowers in resin?

Yes, but keep in mind that due to their saturation, some color may leach into the resin. Therefore, we recommend first coating the flower with a base layer of resin before fully embedding it.

What about stones and other materials?

For other fillers like stones, decorations, sand, and glitters, they must also be perfectly dry. All resin decorations from our range are ready to use immediately.

Are there any exceptions?

Of course, exceptions to the rule exist, and it may happen that even after embedding fresh plants, butterfly wings, leaves, and other natural materials, you might not encounter problems and the plants might not lose their color over time. However, generally, conservation in resin cannot prevent the decay and decomposition of living tissue placed in the resin.

Experiment, try, and don't be afraid to discover all possible decorations that have the potential to look beautiful in resin!


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design