How to make soap from leftovers?

Do you have leftover pieces of soap base at the bottom of the container or in cups after making soap? Or do you collect soap remnants from the sink and feel sorry to throw them away? You can still make beautiful soaps from these leftovers!

How to do it?

  1. Put the collected soaps into a cup or a metal container, like a milk frothing jug. Cut larger pieces into approximately 1 cm chunks.

  2. Ideally, the soap base should be the same to ensure the final soap is cohesive.

  3. Melt the soap in a water bath. Remember that the soap has already been colored once and has added fragrances, so the melted mixture will reflect that in both appearance and scent.

  4. Once the mixture is melted, add color and fragrance – just enough to give the soap a nice color and scent while considering how much the melted pieces already smell and what color they have. Do not cook the mixture and process it immediately after melting.

    In the image, you can see that after melting, we got a gray-green color, which would not be easy to change to yellow, so we chose a darker shade. The mixture smelled nice, so we didn’t add any fragrance.

  5. Pour the colored, fragrant mixture into a silicone mold and let it harden for 45 - 60 minutes.

  6. To let the soap mature and gain firmness, use it after 10-14 days. If you're not going to use it right away, but have made it for storage, place it in a bag or cellophane to prevent moisture from evaporating.


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design