How to polish epoxy resin

To polish epoxy resin, you first need to sand the surface of the casting with fine-grit sandpaper, up to 3,000 grit. You can find more about sanding resin in this article.

What to Use for Polishing Resin?

1. Polishing Nano Paste

For polishing epoxy resin, special products and proper procedures are necessary. After sanding with sandpaper to the desired grit, the next step is to apply resin polishing paste. Polishing agents for resin are available from various manufacturers, and their compositions may vary slightly. For final polishing of resin, we recommend using our polishing nano paste.

This polishing paste utilizes nanotechnology, is water-based, and is specifically designed for polishing epoxy (crystal) resin. Using this paste, you can achieve a high degree of gloss, up to 95%. The advantage of this paste is that it does not dry out and remains wet for a long time. The paste can be applied both machine and manually.

2. Polishing Disc for Machine Polishing

Another important tool for polishing is a polishing disc. There are various types of discs available, so it is essential to choose one that fits your polisher or drill and has a very fine surface to avoid damaging the resin during polishing.

3. Microfiber Cloth for Hand Polishing

If you choose hand polishing, use a microfiber cloth to achieve the best results.

What is the Polishing Procedure?

- When polishing, follow the manufacturer's instructions and procedures. From the beginning of the polishing process, try to polish the entire surface evenly, and do not focus on one spot with the polisher.

- If you do not achieve the desired result, try repeating the process from the start. Apply the polishing paste again to the surface and spread it evenly. Even application and polishing are crucial because you start with a coarse paste and finish with an ultra-fine paste.

- If small defects appear after polishing large areas, focus on polishing these specific spots.

Proper Sanding is Essential

Remember that for proper polishing of resin, it is crucial to first have a well-sanded surface to the mentioned grit of 3,000.

How to Avoid Sanding and Polishing Resin?

You can often completely or partially avoid sanding and polishing resin by using silicone molds for resin crafting. Silicone molds have a glossy surface, which helps the resin product to be smooth and free of surface defects. For instance, creating resin jewelry may not require as much sanding and polishing due to silicone molds. However, for creating epoxy tables, sanding and polishing will definitely be necessary.

Watch the video guide on sanding and polishing resin:


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