Kateřina Loukotová and her Dandylion

We spoke with Katka Loukotová, who creates with resin and whose jewelry is simply breathtaking. You may have already encountered her under the brand Dandylion.

Katka, please introduce yourself so we can get to know the person behind these absolutely stunning resin jewelry pieces.

Hello and thank you. I am a jewelry maker with a deep love for nature. Although I have studied many things (including theology, journalism, and goldsmith apprenticeship) and worked in various places (such as a theater or museum), I eventually found myself in a village in an old cottage, where I have been making small treasures from real flowers for seven years. I am behind the brand Dandylion and I hope it can be like a small garden for you, where you can rest and be pampered by nature.

Kateřina Loukotová | www.dandylion.cz

When did you first encounter resin and why did you decide to try it yourself?

Years ago, I worked for the Arts and Crafts Museum in Prague, which sent me on an internship to the British Museum. There, I first saw the technique of flowers encased in resin. I couldn’t believe my eyes; it wasn’t available in our country at that time. I have had a connection to nature since childhood and was immediately fascinated by the preserved piece of nature. I bought it for myself for joy and for my mother’s 60th birthday and began to think about how I could create something like that myself. I remember finding an article about someone making such things and, more importantly, what they were made of, and I couldn’t let go of that idea.

What were your beginnings with resin like?

When I started with resin about 7 years ago, there was practically no information on how to work with resin here. Some information could be found on foreign websites, but it was mainly trial and error. I had to learn how to deal with bubbles, make silicone molds, or how to work properly with metal components to ensure everything stayed well. And that doesn’t even mention sanding and polishing resin, for which there were no tips at that time. My husband Radek even made a special sanding disc for my first products.

Do you remember your first product? How did it turn out?

I started with making square pieces – little discs for earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. I would diplomatically say that successes came gradually.
And I also remember my first resin ball; I was fascinated by how it looked different from every angle and how the placement of flowers inside affected it, how optics played with it.

Resin Earrings | www.dandylion.cz

And how did you start selling your products? Did you know from the beginning that you wanted to make a living from selling them?

Yes, I knew. Between my internship in England and resigning from the museum, three years passed during which, on the one hand, my desire to leave grew, and on the other, information came to me about what this treasure was actually made of and how to approach it. I started trying it myself right when I was at my wits’ end, resigned, and went straight into freelancing.

So you just jumped right in?

Exactly, I didn’t consider failure at all. I started experimenting, testing, improving… it took about a year. I didn’t want to present my products to the public until they were flawless, as I am a terrible perfectionist. Towards the end, time was also pressing me a bit, after all, living off savings and my husband’s love cannot last forever. Fortunately, all the hard work paid off, and people like my things.

I must say, well-deserved; your products are truly beautiful. Do you remember any failed attempts?

Oh, of course, there were and are many! I even have a whole jar full of failed pieces at home. I think it is a necessary part of trying new things and gaining experience. It’s quite common that things don’t turn out as expected; flowers sometimes have a life of their own. But the children are happy with the failed ones. I like to give them away, and a minor flaw doesn’t bother them at all. For example, the daughter of a close friend of mine uses them as flower cargo in her toy train.

What products do you enjoy making the most?

It’s hard to choose. Right now, I’m working on a forest-themed collection that I’m excited about. I am also working on more complex plant compositions in such “pucks”, larger necklaces. I particularly enjoy working with forget-me-nots, grass, moss, and glixias.

Resin Pendant | www.dandylion.cz

On your e-shop, it’s impossible to overlook how beautifully your products are photographed. Photographing resin jewelry can be quite a challenge.

Yes, it can be tricky, and it’s good to know a bit about it. I’m at a stage where my photos are already part of the brand; people recognize them even without my name. I have a great advantage; my husband is a professional film cameraman, so he gives me plenty of good advice, and we have photographic equipment at home. I also watched how to photograph collectible items from museums. Then advice from family friend Gabriel Urbánek, our leading glass photographer, was added, as resin has similar optical properties to glass. So the photos are technically good and have their unique signature.

Resin Earrings | www.dandylion.cz

Have you faced any obstacles that you had to overcome?

Actually, I am currently overcoming one, although it is more of a health obstacle. A year and a half ago, just when my husband and I decided to have a baby, doctors found ovarian cancer. I had to undergo several surgeries, and after the last one, I am in recovery. Unfortunately, it means we cannot have a baby. At the moment, I am taking stock, processing the whole situation. I try to focus on the positives rather than the negative things that have happened to me. For example, that I can return to my flowers with renewed energy.

I am very sorry to hear that! But thank you so much for sharing this topic with us. It’s important not to make such topics a stigma and ideally inspire other women to have regular check-ups and take care of themselves.

I absolutely agree.

Finally, I would ask if you have any advice for beginners working with resin.

Definitely don’t give up! Your first products don’t have to be perfect. What’s important is the determination to overcome challenges. And if you can’t create exactly what you have in mind? Try to find another way. Because it is possible.

Resin Jewelry Set | www.dandylion.cz


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design Shoptetak.cz.