Recycling and Sustainability in Working with Resin

Working with resin can be not only creative but also environmentally friendly. With an increasing emphasis on sustainability, it's important to find ways to minimize waste and use reusable tools. This article provides tips on how to work with resin sustainably.

Don't Waste Resin

One of the big questions when working with resin is how much resin do I need and what to do with any excess.

How to calculate how much resin you need?

  • If you are casting into silicone molds, check the description to find out how much resin they require. We have added this information to all our silicone molds to make it easier for you not only to purchase resin but also to plan your casting.
  • If you are casting into your own molds, whether square or round, you can calculate the consumption with our calculator. Do you have a more complex mold? Mentally divide it into smaller sections and calculate the required consumption for each section separately, then sum the results.

What to do with leftover resin?

If you prefer to mix more resin or have some left at the bottom of the mixing cup, have silicone or homemade molds on hand to use up the resin. Leftovers can create beautiful jewelry or a colorful candle holder. If you have a larger mold on hand, you can continuously pour leftovers into it. They will perfectly merge, and one day you will pull out a multicolored piece from the mold.

Disposable Doesn't Have to Be Single-use

Do you use a wooden spatula and then throw it away immediately? The same goes for plastic or paper cups? Big mistake! After use, wipe them with a paper towel and let the remaining resin harden. Next time, you can use them again. On some plastic cups, the resin doesn't stick; if it peels off after hardening, peel it off, clean it with adhesive tape, and the cups are ready for the next casting.

Use Silicone Tools and Cups

Silicone spatulas and cups can be used for a very long time. All you need to do is wipe them well with a paper towel after each use, and they are ready for casting again. Don't forget that even after wiping, small bits of resin may harden on them, so let them harden as long as your products before using them again.

Table Protection Doesn't Have to Be Single-use

Protective mats for tables made of silicone or other easily cleanable materials can be reused after the resin hardens. Resin can be easily peeled off from these mats.


Use Hardened Resin Drops

Do you make resin paintings and always have colorful puddles of hardened resin under your work? Or have you peeled hardened drops from the mat or cups? You can reuse these pieces. Simply add them to your resin products, where they will serve as filler. If you put them in clear resin, you'll create a very original product.

Take Care of Your Molds

Silicone molds are consumables and will eventually become dull due to the resin, and eventually, they will no longer be usable. However, you can take good care of them to make them last as long as possible. How?

  • If possible, use faster-curing resin (1-2 days of curing). The resin won't affect the mold for too long, and you can use it longer in its original quality.
  • Do not stretch or squeeze the molds too much to avoid creating cracks.
  • Do not use sharp tools when using them.
  • Clean them only with adhesive tape to remove dust, hardened resin drops, and other impurities, or with NanoTech cleaner. Do not clean them with various agents that can damage their surface.

With a bit of planning and creativity, you can work with resin sustainably. By choosing the right materials and techniques, you can contribute to protecting the environment while creating beautiful and unique products. By reusing tools and minimizing waste, you can become more responsible creators and inspire others to adopt more sustainable practices.


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design