Silvie Kristková and her Jewels from the Mill

We talked to the energetic miller Silvie Kristková, who creates beautiful resin jewelry. Discover with us Jewelry from the Mill!

Silvie Kristková |

Silvie, when did you first encounter epoxy resin and why did you decide to try it yourself?

I started making resin jewelry about two years ago. It was pure chance. I was freshly unemployed, it was winter, and I was bored. I had lost an enamel earring from my sister, and as I was looking among the creators to see if it could be replaced, or if I could make it myself, I stumbled upon resin and became hooked.

I discovered that almost anything can be cast, and since I'm always in the garden and flowers have always fascinated me, I decided I wanted to immortalize them. I immediately ordered a starter kit and while waiting for it to arrive, I watched videos and learned.

Wood and resin jewelry |

What were the beginnings of your creation like? Did you encounter any obstacles?

At the beginning, I couldn't afford to fail much. As you know, without a job, I didn't have much money, so I couldn't afford to buy more resin, and I had to make do with the kit. It was also winter, and nothing was blooming. So, I went for walks in the forest and collected moss, lichen, and my son-in-law advised me to try combining it with wood. And since then, I keep making new and new pieces. I would say almost daily; one keeps adding layers here and there.

However, there was one time when the resin overflowed. I mixed two batches, left one of them standing for a long time, and disaster struck. I didn't understand what had happened, but my son-in-law helped again and explained what went wrong.

I see that many of your pieces are not made with molds.

I wasn't very taken with silicone molds. As soon as I added wood, I dove into cutting, sanding, and polishing.

Wood and resin jewelry |

Is sanding a nightmare? Were you afraid to dive into it?

Not at all, I wasn't afraid of sanding. I was a bit scared of the electric saw, which I use to shape the pieces, but I've gotten used to it too.

Do you remember your first flawless product?

It was when I made the first pendant with plum wood and sanded it by hand for a long time, almost 2 days. And it was beautiful, combined with turquoise color. And it sold quickly.

When did it occur to you that you could sell your products?

When I realized that I couldn't wear everything. I gave some away and then started a Facebook page, posted in the local Facebook groups where I live, and sold something right away. Then I knew it was the way to go. For example, I post daily on Twitter.

But I am still employed; jewelry does not support me; I use it as a side income and for pleasure. The great thing about my job is that I can also sand and polish there! I always have the resin with me.

Wood and resin jewelry |

The name Jewelry from the Mill probably speaks for itself. Do you really live in a mill?

Yes. And everyone asks about the name; it's not very common for someone to live in a mill. I have lived there for 30 years and I love it. I have nature around me, and I constantly go for walks and gather materials for jewelry. Thanks to them, I move around a lot more!

What materials and jewelry do you like the most?

I particularly like various roots; they are fantastic. Also ferns, flowers, and different woods. The most common shape I make is hearts; people like them. Recently, I made hearts for a whole class of high school girls, which a teacher ordered. I managed to create each one different and unique.

Wood and resin jewelry |

Where can customers find your products? Do you sell at any markets?

I used to go to markets with my daughter. She makes natural ointments, and we went together, which was nice, but otherwise, I don't enjoy markets. I prefer to be available to customers online, and I have my website

What advice would you give to beginner resin creators?

Not to get discouraged and to try more complex things for joy. And to read instructions so that the resin doesn’t overflow.


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design