Tatiana Obraztsová and her Art by Tatio

We spoke with Tatiana Obraztsova, who creates paintings, coasters, and clocks from resin under the brand Art by Tatio.

Tatiana, please introduce yourself to us.

My name is Tatiana, I live in Prague, and I used to work as a tour guide. Due to the pandemic, I lost my job, so I started dedicating time to creation. I first began painting with acrylics and fluid art techniques and started making clocks. Very soon, I also began using resin.

Tatiana Obraztsova | Art by Tatio

Why did you choose resin as your next material?

Resin gives colors depth and a 3D effect, which I really liked. Right from the beginning, I took a course on working with resin to learn how to work with it. I started by making coasters, clocks, and then paintings. I make paintings either entirely from resin or first paint them with acrylics and then cover them with resin.

Resin Clocks | Art by Tatio

Do you make any other products?

Now I make pendants, earrings, keychains, and various smaller items, and I enjoy it.

Was working with resin initially just a hobby, or did you go into it with a vision of selling?

At first, I learned resin for myself, wanting to understand how it works. Meanwhile, I was already painting. My friends saw the paintings, liked them a lot, and started ordering and buying them from me. After a few months, I set up a shop on Fler.cz and began selling there first, and then I started selling paintings through the online gallery https://originalgallery.com/autori/tatiana-obraztsova
I was also offered collaboration on international platforms saatchiart.com and tricera.net.

Resin Jewelry | Art by Tatio

Do you remember your first resin product? How did it turn out?

The first were clocks and coasters. Then a painting after the course. I was very surprised, but the first clocks turned out well, and the first coasters were greatly liked by my mother-in-law, who received them as a gift.

Where can customers find your products?

On my website www.artbytatio.com, and I attend markets and exhibitions. I also have products displayed in Prague at the CVRK Letná and CVRK Pasáž u Stýblů brick-and-mortar stores. Customers can write to me, and I will be happy to tell them where they can find me at that time.

Where have you already taken your products?

For example, at the Open ART Fest 2021 art festival, where I had paintings, but I also brought a few coasters, which sold out quickly. I sold a painting there and even received an order for another one. I was also at the Art Festival in Lysá nad Labem in 2022 and have attended fairs and markets. Recently, I participated in a competition for a place in an international art exhibition organized by American painter Susan Loy in Prague, and I won. The exhibition will take place from May 19, 2023, in the Čapek Hall on Anenská Street.

Resin Coasters | Art by Tatio

What advice would you give to beginner resin creators?

Don't just try to see how it goes; rather, take a course to know what each resin is for and how it is used. Don't be afraid to experiment; sometimes you don't know what will be at the end, and the results can be very interesting.


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design Shoptetak.cz.