Victoria and her Victoria's fields

We spoke with Viktorie from Victoria’s Fields, who creates beautiful resin jewelry infused with the essence of spring meadows. How does she channel the energy of nature into her work? And what advice does she have for those just starting with resin? You’ll find out in this interview.

Viktorie | Victoria’s Fields

Viktorie, please introduce yourself to us.

My name is Viktorie and I am about to celebrate my 25th birthday. I love life, my husband, my family, and my friends. I most enjoy spending time with them or being in nature. I feel free in nature, drawing inspiration and energy from it. I also enjoy slow moments when I can fully appreciate everything around me and when I can take a moment for myself to make a good tea and relax.
I love collecting herbs and studying their effects, I adore hot baths and all kinds of weather. And most of all, I love creating.

When did you first encounter epoxy resin, and why did you decide to try it yourself?

I first encountered it four years ago. I was on Erasmus in Germany, and it was one of the saddest periods of my life. I was very ill and deeply introspective. Through the illness and sadness, I connected more with myself and thus with creating.
Throughout my life, I have created many different things - I painted pictures, canvases, painted on glass, worked with ceramics, knitted, made beads and strung them, and this was something new to try. Resin captivated me so much that I stayed with it.

Dandelion Necklace | Victoria’s Fields

What were the beginnings of working with resin like?

The beginnings were not easy at all. I thought I would buy resin and molds, pick some flowers, and it would immediately turn out beautifully. But the first attempt and several attempts after that were a big disaster. The jewelry was sticky and dull. Gradually, I had less and less patience with resin and was quite desperate.

How did you overcome that desperation?

I realized I should read the instructions better, which is a big problem for me. I was making procedural mistakes. Resin is a material that requires adherence to various conditions and ratios. A small deviation can ruin it. But then I got the hang of it and no longer make such mistakes. And when I do make a mistake now, I know what went wrong and what I did incorrectly.

Viktorie with a Resin Ring | Victoria’s Fields

Do you remember your first product? How did it turn out?

There is an interesting story associated with it. One of the first pieces of jewelry that turned out well was actually from the first batch of jewelry that didn't turn out well at all. I threw them all away and kept a half-sphere. It was sticky and meant to be discarded, but I kept it because I somehow liked it, even though it was unwearable. Later, when I knew how to handle it, I poured resin over it again and made a ring from it. The new layer covered all the unattractiveness, and suddenly the ring was beautiful. It contained forget-me-nots, and at Christmas, a lady bought it from me as a gift for her daughter.
Three years later, I saw that ring on a young lady in Olomouc whom I had not known before. Thanks to that, we got to know each other and have been friends ever since.

Necklace | Victoria’s Fields

On your website, I noticed that you focus a lot on nature and perhaps a bit on spiritualism, is that so? For example, you talk about women as fairies. This theme runs through your brand. Not just the Beskydy meadows and forests, but also the energy present in nature.

Everything in my work is intertwined. Through creation, I realize myself, and nature is my endless inspiration. I feel that everything is connected, and thanks to all of this, I feel free, calm, relaxed, and happy. It’s beautiful. I see delicate fairies in women, and through my jewelry, I want to convey that calmness and freedom.

Was resin initially your hobby, or did you start creating with a vision of selling products?

Creating with resin was initially a hobby, but it still is a hobby. I absolutely enjoy it, and I am glad that I can do it as my job and live from it.
Do you have any product that turned out the least well?

I have a memory box where I keep my first products, and there is a small ball where I tried to embed a rose. It wasn’t fully dried, so it turned brown. The ball looks terrible. I didn’t even know how to process and polish it because castings from molds require further work. It’s a clumsy, brown sphere.

And which product are you most proud of?

I am most proud when I come up with something new. For example, circular earrings, which I love and are completely different. I also like new color combinations. I am working on a new piece now, but you will have to wait for that.
But for example, earrings with pansies are loved by all women. What’s special about them is that the flower is covered with resin without using a mold.

Pansy Earrings | Victoria’s Fields

Where can customers find your products?

We mainly focus on online sales at But for example, at Christmas, we will have stands at Karolina in Ostrava and in Frýdek at Frýdek-Místek. In Frýdek, we have jewelry displayed at Bylinkárna Pod Křídlem on the town square, where customers can view and purchase them.

What advice would you give to beginner resin creators?

Be patient and read the instructions. It might not work right away, and it may not turn out perfect at first, but the result will be worth it.


Vytvořil Shoptet | Design