What surfaces and materials can be decorated or treated with epoxy resin?

Frequently asked questions about using epoxy resin on various surfaces. Didn't find the answer below? Contact us, we’ll be happy to help!

1. Can I coat an oil painting with epoxy resin?

Yes, after the oil paints have completely dried, you can coat the painting with resin.

2. Can I apply epoxy resin to an acrylic painting?

Yes, you can coat acrylic paints with resin after they are completely dry. The resin will not act as a solvent on acrylic paints and will not smudge the artwork; instead, once the resin has cured, the painting will look more vibrant with richer colors.

3. Can I use resin on watercolor paintings?

Yes, you can pour resin over your watercolor artwork. Watercolor paper is usually quite porous and can absorb a lot of resin, so we recommend first testing on a smaller piece of paper.

4. Can I apply epoxy to artwork created with spray paints?

Yes, you can coat your artwork with epoxy.

5. Can I pour resin over text or drawings made with a permanent marker?

Yes, you can, but make sure to seal the artwork with spray varnish before pouring. Markers are often alcohol-based and may dissolve in the resin.

6. Can I use resin on a digitally printed image?

Yes, you can coat such an image with resin regardless of whether it is printed with a laser or inkjet printer. The type of paper used is more important here. Glossy paper is better than matte paper because it is less likely to absorb the epoxy and darken. The ideal process is to laminate the image and then pour resin over it.

7. Can I pour epoxy over a photograph printed with a digital printer?

Yes, you can. The photo can be attached to, for example, a wooden backing and coated with a layer of epoxy. The photo should be printed on glossy paper to reduce the likelihood of resin absorption and darkening. The ideal process is to laminate the image and then pour resin over it.

8. Can I coat paper with epoxy?

Epoxy cures on all types of paper. However, it may saturate porous paper and leave dark spots, so use paper with a protective coating – glossy photo paper or coated paper. You can protect the paper by coating it with acrylic varnish beforehand. The ideal process is to laminate the image and then pour resin over it.

9. Can I use epoxy resin on a wooden surface?

Yes, epoxy adheres well to wood.

10. Can I use resin on a sculpture or 3D printed model?

Yes, resin can be applied to a 3D model or sculpture. Apply the resin in a thin layer using a brush with synthetic bristles. Be careful to clean the brush immediately after use with alcohol to prevent the resin from hardening on it.

11. Can I encapsulate any object in epoxy resin?

If the object is completely dry, there is no reason why it cannot be encapsulated in resin. For porous objects, we recommend first priming the surface to prevent air bubbles from forming.

12. Can I apply epoxy resin to glass?

Yes. You can paint on glass with resin, adhere glass with epoxy, and even pour it into a glass container. However, avoid an exothermic reaction as the glass could crack due to the rapid heat increase. Avoid exposing the glass to extreme temperatures, as the resin may detach from it.

13. Can I use epoxy resin on fabric?

Yes, the fabric will harden like plastic once the resin has cured. Resin will soak into the fabric and slightly darken it.

14. Can I coat polymer clay with epoxy?

Yes, epoxy can be used on polymer clay products to add strength or bond two pieces together. Once cured, epoxy can withstand the oven temperature recommended for polymer clay. Resin may soften slightly when heated but will harden again when cooled.

15. Can I apply epoxy resin to ceramics?

Yes, epoxy adheres well to ceramic materials.

16. What surfaces should not be coated with epoxy resin?

Epoxy resin does not adhere to waxed paper, some types of plastics (PET, polyethylene, polypropylene), and silicone. These materials are recommended as work surfaces or mold materials.

Resin will partially adhere to PVC and acrylic glass, meaning removal will be possible but labor-intensive, and surface finishing of the casting may be required.


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